Qualifications and History of Orange Order
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The Qualifications of an Orangeman

"An Orangeman should have a sincere love and veneration for his Heavenly Father; a humble and steadfast faith in Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind, believing in Him as the only Mediator between God and man. Hes should cultivate truth and justice, brotherly kindness and charity, devotion and piety, concord and unity, and obedience to the laws; his deportment should be gentle and compassionate, kind and courteous; he should seek the society of the virtuous, and avoid that of the evil; he should honour and diligently study the Holy Scriptures and make them the rule of his faith and practice; and sincerely desire and endeavor to propagate its doctorines and precpts; he should strenuously oppose the fatal errors and doctrines of the Church of Rome, and scrupulously avoid countenancing (by his presence or otherwise) any act or ceremony of Popish worship; he should by all lawful means, resist the ascendancy of that Church, its encroachments, and the extension of its power, ever abstaining from all uncharitable words, actions, or sentiments, towards his Roman Catholic Brethen; he should remember to keep holy the Sabbath day, and attend the public worship of God, and diligently train up his offspring, and all under his control, in the fear of God, and in the Protestant faith, he should never take the name of God in vain, but abstain from all cursing and profane language, and use every opportunity of discouraging these, and all other sinful practices, in others; his conduct should be guided by wisdom and prudence, and marked by honesty, temperance and sobriety; the glory of God and the welfare of man, the honour of his Sovereign, and the good of his country, should be the motive of his actions.

Basis of the Institution

The Institution is composed of Protestants, united and resolved to the utmost of their power to support and defend the rightful Soverign, the Protestant Religion, the Laws of the Realm, and the Succession to the Throne in the House of Windsor, BEING PROTESTANT; and united further for the defence of their own Persons and Properties, and the maintenance of the Public Peace. It is exclusively an Association of those who are attached to the religion of the Reformation, and will not admit into its brotherhood persons whom an intolerant spirit leads to persecute, injure or upbraid any man on account of his religious opinions. They associate also in honour of King William III. Prince of Qrange, whose name they bear, as supporters of his glorious memory.

The Founding Fathers

When William Prince Of Orange arrived in England, he was met by the Orange Association who read out their declaration of intent which follows; "We do herby associate ourselves,to the utmost of our power,to support and defend our great deliver. His Highness the Prince of Orange, in his present enterprise for the delivery of the English Church and nation from Popery, and arbitary power, for the maintenance of the Protestant religion and the establishment of a Free Parliament, for the protection of His Highness' person and the settlement of Law and Order on a lasting foundation in these Kingdoms. We further declare, that we are exclusively a Protestant Association, yet detesting as we do any intolerant spirit, we solemnly pledge ourselves to each other, that we will not persecute any any person on account of his religious opinions, provided the same be not hostile to the State; but that we will on the contrary, by aiding and assisting to every Loyal subject, of every description, in protecting him from violence and oppression". The above statement ia as relevant today as it was when it was first read to King William in Exter Cathedral in 1688.

Historical Background

The Loyal Orange Institution was founded after the Battle of the Diamond on September 21,1795. When the battle was ended, the Protestants formed a circle, joined hands and declared their brotherhood in Loyalty to the Crown, the Country and the Reformed Religion. The correct name for the Orange Order is the Loyal Orange of Ireland, which came into existence after the above battle. Early reports show that Captain John Glifford of the Royal Dublin Militia, who was stationed at Porodown was in a Inn by the name of Sloan's at Loughall when it was founded and claimed that he made up the Oath and drew up the rules. Others were present with Captain John Gifford and were James Wilson of Dylon, Thomas Sinclair of Derryscallop and James Sloan who was the Innkeeper and regarded as the first leaders. The Battle of Diamond was instigated by a Roman Catholic revolution brotherhood they were know as defenders, who took part of the ethnic cleansing of the 17th and the 18th centuries when the attemp was to remove Protestant witness from the Island of Ireland. The Orange Order has members worldwide in Ulster (Nothern Ireland), Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, West Africa, USA, Canada, Australia and many other places. Its name 'Orange' from King William III, Prince of Orange who won Civil and Religious Liberty for Europe on the Battle of the Boyne, on July 1st 1690.

The Religious Basis Of The Order

The Orange Institution is a Christian Organisation. As Orange our trust is in God and our faith and dependence is in Jesus Christ, the saviour and Lord of mankind. Our purpose is to maintain the Christian faith by word and deed: to propagate and defend that faith which we have recieved from the Church of the New Testament through the faithfulness of the Protestant Reformers. It is Christ-centred Bible-based, Church-grounded. By it we are mouldedin character and conduct. The Orange Institution is set for the defence of Protestantism. This is true to the intention of Orangemen who are commited to the Christian faith with its Reformation emphasis on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour of mankind. There are also Protestant bliefs in freedom of conscience, the priesthood of all believers and the primary place and purpose of the Holy Bible in Christian faith and conduct. We proclaim "Civil and religious liberty for all: special privileges for none". We do not deny to others their civil and religious ; we expect the same tolerance from them. We sahll be strong for truth, peace,for the making of a good, fair and just society to which we shall contribute liberally as good citzens.